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Processing Trauma Therapy

Traumatic events that occur in your life can have lasting effects. Many women continue to have triggered emotions and negative thoughts due to trauma in their past. The mental health issues that are presently occurring may seem unrelated to events that happened years before, but often they are a direct result of trauma that has not been properly processed. At FEM Women’s Wellness, we offer processing trauma therapy at our clinic in the Reno, Lake Tahoe and Carson City, NV, area.

What is trauma and why does it need to be processed? Trauma is not the event itself but how you respond. Two people can experience the same event, but both will not necessarily experience trauma. When an event is extremely disturbing or threatening, it can leave lingering after effects. Trauma cannot be processed while it is happening, but it must be processed at some point to avoid negative impacts on health.

There are many mental health issues that are related to unprocessed trauma. These include disorders like PTSD and panic attacks, as well as depression and anxiety. Processing trauma therapy includes a wide assortment of therapy methods to go back to the event and reorganize your thoughts and reactions to the trauma.

Women’s Trauma and Well-being Specialists

At FEM Women’s Wellness, our therapists focus on women’s well-being and offer innovative therapy options for processing trauma. We provide a safe and supportive environment where our patients can overcome their response to trauma in their past. Whether the events happened decades before in childhood or only recently occurred, our therapists can help you understand how to process and put the trauma safely in the past. Working through your response and how to move forward in a meaningful way can help you overcome the effects of trauma on your life.

Processing trauma therapy can give you the skills to manage the reactions you have to certain triggers or memories. While you cannot flip a switch and undo trauma effects, you can create healthier coping methods and reactions. To learn more about processing trauma through a variety of therapeutic methods, contact our team at FEM Women’s Wellness. Call our well-being clinic in the Reno, NV, area to schedule an appointment.

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FEM Women’s Wellness

5448 Reno Corporate Drive
Reno, NV 89511

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(775) 993-9292


(775) 993-9293

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General and Phone Hours
Mon – Fri: 8:00AM – 5:00PM
Early and Late Appointments by Request

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