Contact (775) 993-9292

Partner/Family Therapy

Your support system is integral to your mental health and wellness. Mental health treatment may be far more effective if a strong support system is in place, whether that is your family, partner or beyond – it takes communication, respect and work to have a functional support system. Involving your family, partner or support persons in your mental health care may greatly benefit your success. FEM Women’s Wellness offers family or partner support sessions at our clinic in the Carson City, Lake Tahoe and Reno, NV, area in order to best support your treatment plan and mental health goals.

There are many challenges that families or support persons can face when a loved one is struggling with their mental health. Whether it is substance abuse, loss of a loved one, life transitions or other issues, strain and stress can have a substantial impact on all the members of a family. Opening the lines of communication and finding healthier options for coping are vital components to creating valuable family interactions. With the help of one of our experienced therapists, you can explore the best way to move forward as a team.

Partner and family support sessions can be beneficial for many different family or support scenarios. From repairing relationships to finding healthier ways to communicate to adjusting to parenting, family or partner support therapy can give you the tools and opportunity to grow together. Some of the benefits you may discover can include:

  • Better communication – Resolving conflicts requires effective communication. Learning how to listen to others and express yourself in a healthy manner can break down barriers within your family.
  • Healthy coping skills – Unhealthy behaviors of one or more family members can affect the entire unit. Learning how to support your loved ones to get them the help they need can build a stronger connection.
  • Overcoming life’s challenges – Whether your family is grieving over a loss or transitioning to a new area or phase of life, family therapy can give everyone the tools to overcome challenges.
  • Setting boundaries – being able to set healthy boundaries and also resolve conflict may be integral to a healthy relationship with you partner or family.
  • Intimacy – being able to discuss intimacy concerns in a safe space can be instrumental in improving partner relationships and individual self-empowerment.
  • Adjustments to parenting – having a newborn and children can be a difficult transition for partners. Partner support and therapy can be a tool that may help to ease this transition.

Therapy that includes your support persons can be a game-changer for your family. While change does not happen overnight, you can begin your journey to healthier and happier interactions. To learn more about our therapy options at FEM Women’s Wellness, contact our clinic in the Carson City, Lake Tahoe and Reno, NV, area.

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FEM Women’s Wellness

5448 Reno Corporate Drive
Reno, NV 89511

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(775) 993-9292


(775) 993-9293

Opening Hours

General and Phone Hours
Mon – Fri: 8:00AM – 5:00PM
Early and Late Appointments by Request

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