Heavy or unusually long periods can affect your quality of life and health. For many women, menstrual periods are an agonizing ordeal, especially when they are heavier or longer than normal. One of the treatment options for these types of periods is an endometrial ablation procedure. Our GYN specialists at FEM Women’s Wellness offer endometrial ablation through our clinic located in the Carson City, Lake Tahoe and Reno, NV, area.
What Is Endometrial Ablation?
When a woman is experiencing heavy, long or depleting menstrual cycles, one of the options to reduce or stop this condition is removing the uterine lining. This procedure is very effective for reducing heavy flow or completely stopping periods from occurring. Endometrial ablation is generally recommended when other less invasive treatments like IUDs or oral birth control were not effective at controlling heavy menstrual cycles. Once performed, the uterine lining is permanently damaged, and pregnancy is not recommended due to risk to the woman and fetus.
Types of Endometrial Ablation Procedures
There are different methods available for removing the uterine lining in an endometrial ablation. Heat, cold and radiofrequency or microwave energy are commonly used options to remove the uterine lining. No incisions are needed for these procedures – they are performed vaginally using small instruments that reach the uterus through the vagina and cervix. At FEM Women’s Wellness, we offer the following endometrial ablation methods:
Endometrial ablation is an outpatient procedure with minimal downtime required. The final results of the procedure can require a few months, but most women experience much lighter periods or their cycle stops altogether. Even though pregnancy is not recommended, endometrial ablation does not stop pregnancy and contraceptives are recommended after the procedure.
If you have chronic heavy periods or anemia from your periods, endometrial ablation may be an option if other treatments have been ineffective. To learn more about these procedures and whether you may be a candidate, contact our GYN team at FEM Women’s Wellness. Call our office in the Reno and Lake Tahoe area to schedule an exam and consultation with one of our gynecologists. We accept many insurance plans, which can offset the cost of endometrial ablation.